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NYSPEP Conveners

The Conveners established the New York State Parenting Education Partnership (NYSPEP) in order to create a culture of positive parenting in New York state as a strategy to prevent child abuse and neglect. They agree that parenting education and strength-based support for families are key factors influencing children’s health, cognitive development, and ability to succeed in school and in life.


The Conveners' leadership grounds NYSPEP in state systems building work and makes connections between parenting education and other activities. Each organization among the Conveners is represented by a single individual who is authorized to act on behalf of his/her organization with respect to the governance of NYSPEP.


NYSPEP Steering Committee

The NYSPEP Steering Committee makes and approves major operational decisions, and develops and implements strategic and action plans directly or by approval of workgroup plans. It is a resource for and represents all parenting education providers and their consumers.  


The Steering Committee includes public and private agencies, both program administrators and practitioners, and to the extent possible represents the diverse demographics and geography of New York State. The Steering Committee is responsible for communicating on a regular basis with the Conveners to inform them about NYSPEP projects, activities, progress and challenges.


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